The copyright law protects "original works of authorship" expressed in a physical form (i.e. Read more about copyright basics for graphic designers on AIGA's website. Any unique logo that I designed for a client will have automatically had copyright assigned to it, and to me. On it's most basic level, copyright of unique visual design is automatic, and originates with the designer.
Copyright Law, every original work of authorship is under protection, automatically.
The process of both copyright and trademark takes time to get final approval, but by starting now you preserve your rights to ownership and thus legal remedy.On the other hand, if you don't have a trademark or copyright you may not be able to sue another party for infringement of your logo.ĭid you know that due to The U.S. ℠ for the unregistered service trademark.There are different symbols for trademark protection: Trademark is made to prevent confusion in the company’s marketplace. its authorship)Ī common symbol for the copyright is ©, but you can also add ‘Copyright’ or ‘Copr.’ and even your name and year the work was published.For example "© 2018 by ebaqdesign" at the bottom of my website claims right to everything on it. Copyright is made for artistic works protection (i.e. The biggest difference between them is that copyrighting won’t protect your brand’s name and logo from infringement, but a trademark will. In order to have a better understanding of how copyright and trademark work, it’s helpful to know which type of intellectual properties each one protects.